| The Erika Bloom Digital Membership


How can I best utilize The Membership? How many times per week should I exercise to see results?
We believe wellness best serves as a daily practice, to bring you calm, peace and true holistic health long-term. We invite you to listen to your own body's needs in how you use our live classes and digital library of practices. Here is a map to use as a framework as you explore what is right for your bio-individuality: +Begin by establishing a daily practice starting with the Fundamentals, Fascia Rolling, How to Breathe, and Foundations of Restorative Movement, and our Live Interactive Classes. +Focus on shifting your sleep by discovering sleep rituals, trying each new habit nightly for at least two weeks to find what is right for you. +Each week implement one to two pillars of nutrition consistently until they become naturally integrated. +Meditate daily, sometimes with a full video, but even if it’s just a few moments. +Schedule your movement practices into each day so they remain a priority as life carries on. The movement videos are designed to be returned to many times to ensure consistent patterning, strengthening, and awakening of all of your muscles and your nervous system. Moving forward, continue to practice daily movement, meditation, and healthy sleep and nourishment.
What is holistic nutrition? Do you help with holistic nutrition?
The Digital Membership provides guidance and support for holistic nutrition by guiding you to greater mindfulness and listening to what your body needs, then learning to eat to fulfill those needs rather than being driven by emotional eating or otherwise. Our holistic nutrition philosophy is science based as well as rooted in the belief of food as medicine, nourishment and joy. Erika has formed her holistic approach around two pillars. One, to be in tune with the body and listen to what it needs on any given day. And two, to eat whole, real foods that are grown thoughtfully and minimally processed.
What’s the difference between Yoga and Pilates?
Both yoga and pilates are breath centered, mindful movement practices to connect deeply with the body with a focus on alignment. Yoga focuses on the end range of movement and has more static holds, whereas pilates is working on the smaller movements, spinal alignment, proper joint function, and integration of the core. The Erika Bloom Method encompasses both pilates and yoga, as well as Alexander, Feldenkrais, Bartenieff, Franklin, Klein, Pilates, Zero Balancing, therapeutic yoga, Structural Integration, evolutionary movement, functional movement, postural connection, somatic experiencing, breath work, holistic nutrition, rolfing, myofascial balancing, gyrokinesis and more. The method supports holistic mindful living through these practices and helps you find strength and ease by connecting to the deep inner body. The method’s approach to beautiful and functional alignment always feels healing, calming and centering.
Why do I have lower back pain?
Each case of lower back pain has its own cause, based on the individual. Improving balance in the muscular and fascial systems, aligning the skeleton, and reducing stress are great places to start. The whole body needs to be considered when addressing pain patterns because the pain is often the ‘victim’ and the ‘criminal’ is elsewhere. Having a daily practice of balancing movement and self care is key. Inside our live interactive classes, Erika and our teachers work with you on form, balancing the structure and imbalances of your body, and will give you the tools to find your own deep connection. Our work is individualized, anatomically based, and interactive with live instructors giving you guidance and personalized corrections in real-time. We invite you to join us for a live Cue & Correct class to learn what is true for you and work on solutions with Erika and our expert teachers to find relief and true healing.
How is Structural Integration incorporated into the membership?
Structural Integration is a hands-on process that focuses on the fascia, or connective tissue, that surrounds and gives structure to the muscles, bones and organs in the body. Also known as rolfing, structural integration is based on the ideas of Dr. Ida Rolf that our fascia largely affects the state of our wellbeing and should be addressed as part of healthful movement and life. Fascia gives muscles their shape and informs the body’s structure, surrounding every cell in the body. An endlessly connected web, bathed in lymph, the fascial system is its own communication system, which affects our body’s innate ability to heal itself. As a licensed structural integration therapist, Erika and our teachers apply their expertise of the fascial system across our offerings in the membership. This is important because when we’re trying to make changes in the body, fascia is integral to the work of establishing balance and order. Fascial integrity leads to easeful, flowing movement and beautiful, connected strength.
How can your method help with Scoliosis correction?
A proprioceptive disorder, scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine that relates to an imbalanced fascial tensegrity pattern. Our method helps in releasing what’s holding the curves of the spine and teaches one to support new found expanded alignment. Inside our classes, we work on lengthening, expanding and realigning. We are creating space while layering on top strength and stability to support beautiful alignment.
Do I need equipment for the workouts?
Erika created a custom movement kit that includes all of her go-to props which we use in our classes, including a yoga block, resistance bands, ankle weights, a release ball, and a soft over ball. This collection of props was crafted to enhance your membership practice, however we do also have a variety of prop-free workouts, meditations, and wellness conversations you can practice with as well. To purchase The Movement Kit, please click here.
What is diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti is the separation of the two sides of the rectus abdominis at the linea alba, the fascial connection in the center of the abdomen. The majority, about two-thirds, of women have diastasis recti postpartum. It affects both the appearance of the abdominals, and the functionality of the pelvic floor, deep core, back muscles, organs, respiratory diaphragm and alignment of the entire body. It can lead to serious digestive issues, back pain, neck pain, pelvic floor dysfunction and prolapse. With the birth of her first child, Erika had a large diastasis which she discovered she could self-heal. She learned the most important exercise you can do to heal this separation is to learn how to breathe with your diaphragm, connecting to your pelvic floor and transversus abdominis. In our Postpartum Membership, you’ll learn diastasis safe, therapeutic movements and breath work to restore your core connection, tone deep core muscles, improve posture, and heal diastasis. Erika Bloom Method based movement therapy is beneficial for all mothers, at any stage of their postpartum journey, to create a deeper connection with body and breath.
When can I practice pilates postpartum?
The Erika Bloom Method is beneficial for all women who have experienced changes in their bodies after pregnancy, whether you are a new mother, had your children decades ago, or experienced a loss of pregnancy. Postpartum care is a lifelong practice and we welcome women in every stage of life. For our new mothers, our practices were created to be done easily as you take care of your baby, and will empower your experience as a mama.
Do you have videos for postpartum Pilates?
Yes. The Postpartum Membership offers a video library of classes to strengthen your core muscles, restore and access deeper breathing, improve posture, learn curative self massage, recover from diastasis recti and c-section, tone and reconnect to your pelvic floor, and holistically care for yourself safely and effectively postpartum.
Where can I find pilates for pregnancy? Is it safe to practice prenatal pilates?
Due to the individualized nature of each woman’s pregnancy and the deep importance of doing safe and beneficial work during pregnancy, we recommend connecting with one of our expert’s for private prenatal sessions during your pregnancy. This allows you to ensure you are moving correctly to avoid diastasis, to keep you and your baby healthy, and to prepare you for a joyful labor and postpartum recovery. All of our Erika Bloom instructors are prenatal certified. Erika, a mother of two and postpartum recovery expert, truly believes in investing in private sessions during pregnancy. To inquire and schedule private prenatal sessions with one of our experts, please email wellnesscollective@erikabloom.com.
How do I reset my password?
On the login page, click Forgot Password, enter the email associated with your account, and click Send Instructions. The instruction email will arrive in your inbox shortly. In the instruction email, click Reset Password and you will be directed to select a new password before being redirected to the catalog page.
How do I change my password?
Once signed into your account, you can change your password by clicking My Account from the top navigation menu. Select Password and update your password.
How do I update my billing information?
Once signed into your account, you can update your billing information by clicking My Account from the top navigation menu. Select Billing and update your billing information.
How do I cancel my recurring subscription?
Once signed into your account, you can cancel your recurring subscription by clicking My Account from the top navigation menu. Select Billing and locate your subscription plan at the bottom of the page. Click Change Plan and Cancel Membership. Your membership will be cancelled and your access will be removed at the end of your current payment period.
My credit card is being declined. Why is that?
Many credit/debit cards have online purchase restrictions. If your card is being declined, please contact your credit card company to let them know the purchase you would like to make is valid. Also, certain credit/debit cards do not allow for recurring subscription billing, and therefore, may be denied.
If I sign up and pay for an annual or monthly subscription and I need to cancel what do I do?
We do not off refunds for subscriptions unless we receive documentation from your physician.
My video does not playback smoothly. How can I fix this?
Video playback depends on several factors. To improve your playback experience, make sure you have a fast, stable internet connection. We recommend using the most recent version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. You may experience playback issues with outdated devices and browsers.
Can I watch videos using Chromecast and AirPlay?
Yes! Both Chromecast and Airplay are compatible with our site. To use Chromecast: Locate the Chromecast icon in the bottom right corner of the video you want to cast. Click the icon and select the correct Chromecast from the pop-up in your browser. To use AirPlay: Open the video on your apple device and click the AirPlay icon in the bottom left corner.
Can I watch videos on my TV without using an app?
Yes. By connecting your laptop directly to your TV with an HDMI cable, you will be able to watch videos from our site on your TV.
Can I watch videos on my phone or tablet without using an app?
Yes. Our website adapts to phone and tablet browsers so you can watch our content anywhere!
Which browsers are supported?
While we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome, we also support Firefox and Safari browser released within the last five years. You may experience playback issues when using an out of date browser or any version of Internet Explorer.